ccxiv Index. Flora of Colchester district, addi- tional notes on, cxli. 'Flora of Essex,' Mr. Joshua Clarke's copy of, lxxxvii; new edition, progress of, cxcv. Flower, Prof W. H., Demon- strates the Cetacea at British Museum, clxxxvi ; on Rorqual in River Crouch (Paper read), lxxiii ; conducts at Zooogical Gardens, clii. Flycatchers, Spotted, curious situation of nest of, lxxv. Foot-path Society, cxcv. Forest Courts, Rolls of, ciii. Forest Trees (Address), clxxxvii. Forestry Exhibition at Edinburgh, lxxvii. Fossils from London Clay at Buck- hurst Hill, lxxviii. Fothergill, Dr., account of, clxxxix. Fritillaria meleagris at " Roos Farm," Saffron Walden, lxxxvi. Fry, Mrs. Elizabeth, cxlviii. Fuchsia blossoms, aberrant forms of, lxi. Fungi, Lower Orders of, xlviii ; new to Epping Forest (see reports of Cryptogamic Meet- ings) ; as Poisons, liii ; pre- served from Epping Forest, xliv ; and their Spores, lxix. Fungus Forays [see Table of Con- tents]. Gall, new, to Essex, exhibited, xcix. Galls from Epping Forest, cxxv. Gaynes Park, Utricularia at, ii. Geologists' Association, Joint Meet- ings with, xx, xcviii, cli. Geological collections at Crystal Palace, visit to, xcviii. Geology of Tilbury Docks, xcviii. Gepp, Rev. E., on small mass of Crag at Stebbing, xcvii. Gibbs, John, on abnormal "Wall- flower and Polyanthus, xi, xii. Gibson, G. S., Obituary notice of, x. "Ginger-beer plant" exhibited, xliii. Glacial action on the Thames and in S.E. Essex (Paper read), ix. Goodchild, J. G., Birds of Prey (Lecture), cxlix ; Cats and their allies (Lecture), cxcv ; Mounds near the Estuary of the Thames (Paper read), clxxxv. Gould, F. C, exhibits paintings of Falcons, ci. Grays, Meeting at, cli ; Chalk-pits at, cli. Grebes, Red-necked and Great, in Wanstead Park, ii. Green Street House, visit to, cxlii. Greenhill, J. E., exhibits collec- tion of Palaeoliths from Lea Valley, xcv. Hackney Microscopical Society, Fungus Forays in Epping Forest, lviii ; cxix; clxxvi; cxciii. Hainault Forest, Botany of, xxxii; Coleoptera in, xxxiv ; Enclosure of, xxxii and xxxiv ; entomology of, xxxii; visit to, xxxi. Hangman's Wood, visits to Dene- holes, xx, cl ; explorations in, cxxiii; Palaeolithic Implement from, cxxix. Harcourt, G. F., presents cases of preserved plants, lviii. Harting, J. E., on Deer of Epping Forest (Paper read), cii ; on Migration of Birds (Lecture), clxxxii. Harwood, W. H., exhibits Essex Lepidoptera, cxviii. Head-quarters of Club, change of, clii. Helix pomatia at Boxhill, xxvii ; at Ware, xxiv. Hertfordshire Natural History Society, Joint Meeting with, xxiv. Hetero-styled Plants, Transmission of Form in, cxxvii. Hicks, Dr., on Deneholes, xxiii. High Beach Railway, Deputation to Sir J. Lubbock, i-v ; to Sir Selwyn Ibbetson, v; Bill lost, viii; thanks from Hackney Microscopical Society for Oppo- sition to, ix ; thanks to officers of Club, ix. Highlands, Scottish, Mr. Bryce's Bill for preservation of, xciv. HOGG, Dr., exhibits " Ginger-beer plant," xliii. Holmes, E. M., Alga, new British, from Maldon (Paper read), clxxxi ; Hope collection of