Index. ccxv Marine Algae, lxxxi ; Lichens and Scale Mosses from Epping Forest, exhibited, clxxiv. Holmes, T. V., Albert Docks, geology of, clvi; Ancient Ceme- tery at Saffron Walden, cc ; Alterations in Essex Coast-line, cxcviii ; British Ethnology, evidence bearing upon (Paper read), clxxxiv ; Deneholes, Mis- cellaneous notes on (Paper read), lx ; conducts at visit to Deneholes, cli ; Report on ex- ploration of Deneholes, cxxxi ; on Drift Maps of Essex, clxxxi (Paper read); elected Presi- dent, cxxxiv ; on Pen Pits, cliv ; Pits in Isle of Portland, cliii ; Presidential Address, 1886, clxxxiii; do., for 1887, cc ; Sub- sidence at Lexden (Paper read), ci; Tilbury, Human Skeleton at, geological position of (Paper read), lxxviii. Honorary members, election of, i ; lxxvii ; cxxxiv. Hoopoe at Wimbish, xii. Hope, G. P., Fibre-balls from sea- beach, xix ; Marine Algae from Harwich, &c, collection ex- hibited, lxxxi. Hornbeam in Woodlands of Essex, &c. (Paper read), cvi. " Hortus Uptonensis," cxc. Houston, David, " Bushes and their origin " (Address), xli. Howard J. Eliot, F.R.S., death of, lxviii, lxxvii. Human Skull of Palaeolithic age at Bury St. Edmunds, lxxx. Humble-bees, death of, at Lime blossoms, clxxvii. Hygro-spectroscope, use of, in Meteorology (Paper read). lxiv. Jackal ill Epping Forest, cciv. Jackson, Rev. J., Badgers in Essex, clxxvii. Johnston, Andrew, Decoy-birds domestic animals, lxviii ; thanks to, on retirement from Treasurer- ship, cc. Kenworthy, Rev. J. W., ex- hibits collection of Stone Im- plements, clxx, clxxvii. Laburnum, graft-hybrid (Cytisus laburnum-adami), at Buckhurst Hill, c. Lambourne, visit to, xxix ; Church, XXX. Langenhoe Church, visit to ruins of, cxvi. Larvae, Lepidopterous, Protective resemblance in, clv. Laver, Dr. H., Mersea Decoy, cxix ; on Mersea and Othona, cxi and cxii ; Oyster Fisheries off Mersea, cxv ; on Red Hills, cxiii. Lepidoptera of Hainault Forest, xxxii: of Leigh, cxcii. Lichens and Scale Mosses in Monk Wood, clxxiv. Lichen Flora of Epping Forest (Paper read), xii. Linum on Chalky Boulder-clay, xxix. Lister, A., on Badhamia at Ley- tonstone and Epping Forest, clxxiii ; on Fungi and their spores, lxix ; Red- and Black- throated Divers in Wanstead Park, lxxvi. Lockyer, A., retirement from Librarianship, clxxxii. Loughton, Stone Pestle from, cxxv. Loughton Public Hall, Club's ex- hibition at opening of, lxxxi, xciii ; Club's first meeting in, cxxv. Lubbock, Sir John, Deputation to, i. Lucas, Colonel. Notes on Witham (Paper read), clvii. Maldon, Angel-fish at, c ; new gall from, xcix. Mammalian bones from Albert Docks, clvii. Marchantia polymorpha ac Epping, cviii, Marten in Epping Forest, lxiv. Martin, Robert, presents Roman Pottery from West Tilbury, cxxxvi; on sale of Forest land, cxxxvii. Maynard, G. N., some account of Saffron Walden Castle, lxxxviii. "Mehala" scenes of, at Mersea, cxi. Melanic variation in Lepidoptera, probable cause of, cxl.