ccxvi Index. Meldola, Prof. R., on alteration of Essex Coast-line, cxcviii; Congress of Delegates at British Association, Report on, lvii; Conservation of Epping Forest, v ; Cyclical Propagation in Animal Kingdom (Paper read), xix ; Delegate to British Asso- ciation, clxxv ; Earthquake, re- ports on, ci; effects of Earth- quake, cxvi; Epping, Bury, and Nazing, geology of, xlii; Epping Forest, schemes affect- ing, xiii; Melanic variation in Lepidoptera, cxxxix; elected permanent Vice - President, cxxxix ; Pre-historic remains in Essex, lxv ; Rudolphi's Rorqual, photographs presented, lxxiii; sunsets of 1883, brilliant, lxiv ; Tilbury, human skeleton at, lxxix. Meldola, Prof., and W. White, Report on East Anglian Earth- quake, cxxxvii. Mersea, Botany of, cxv-vi; Decoy, cxiv ; Meeting at, cx ; oyster fisheries off, cxv : Red Hills, &c, at, cxiii: Roman remains at, cxi. Migration of Birds, Lecture upon, clxxxii. Mistletoe in Essex, c. Morgan, D. J., Donation to ex- penses of opposition to High Beach Railway Scheme, xix. Morel from Cambridge, exhibited, clvi. Mososaurus from Grays, drawing of, xi. Mosses of Epping Forest, collection of, by E. Foster, xliv ; exhibited, cxciv. "Mosses and their allies" (Address), clxxviii. Mounds near Estuary of Thames (Paper read), clxxv. Mucking, Palaeolith from, xix. Museum at Colchester, cix; pro- posed Local, for Essex, lxvi ; do. at Loughton, lxvii; at Saffron Walden, visit to, lxxxviii. Myosotis (? repens) from Fel- stead, clv. Nazing, visit to, xxxv-ix. Neolithic axe at Wanstead, xcv. Nether Hall, visit to, xxxix-xlii. Newton, E. T., on bones found in excavations at Albert Docks, clvii. Nola eristualis in Epping Forest, cliii. Notley, Black, visit to, clix; Domestic Life of John Ray at, clix. " Oakhurst," Chigwell, visit to, cliii. Officers for 1884, lxvii ; for 1885, cxxxii : for 1886, clxxxii ; for 1887, cxcvii. Ongar Park Woods, visit to, natural history of, &c, civ-vii. Ophidians abundant in spring of 1884, c. Othona, site of, cxii. Otters in Lea, near Hoddesdon, cxxxvi. Overton, Rev. T., on inscription on Bay's Tomb, clxix. Owen, Prof. R., as Honorary Mem- ber, i. Owls, long-eared and short-eared, from Epping Forest, cl. Oxlip, Bardfield, at Peverell's Wood, lxxxvi. Oyster Fisheries at Mersea, cxv. Palaeolithic Floor at Leyton and Stoke Newington, cxxvi. " Palaeolithic Gravels of the Hack- ney Brook " (Paper read), xcv. Palaeolithic Implements from Bar- ton, Suffolk, xcvi; from Boul- der-clay, near Felstead, xcvi; from Essex, cxxv ; from Hang- man's Wood, cxxix ; largest hitherto found in Thames Valley: xcv ; from Madras Presidency, , cxxv. Palaeolithic Skeleton, supposed, at site of Tilbury Docks, xcviii. Palaeolithic Skull at Bury St, Ed- munds, lxxx. " Past, and Future of Essex Field Club," Presidential Address, cc. Pen Pits, cliv. Peregrine Falcon from Epping Forest, cl. Permanent Vice- Presidents.cxxxix. Pestle, Stone, from Epping Forest, cxxv. Petallody in Anemone, clv.