Index. ccxvii Peverell's Wood, near Saffron Wal- den, visit to, lxxxvi. Photographs of Earthquake dam- age, xcix; of Epping Forest presented, xcix; of Club's visit to Colchester, cxxix. Pilgrim Fathers from Nazing, xxxvi-viii. Pits in Isle of Portland, cliii ; Rice, in Madagascar, cxxxi. Plants, extirpation of rare, resolu- tion upon, clxxv ; preservation of native, protest in favour of, clxxviii. Plant Names, English, xvi. Potato Fungus, Politics of (Paper read), cxxi. Pottery, Roman, from West Til- bury, cxxxvi. Poulton, E. B., "Protective value of Colour and Atti- tude in Caterpillars " (Lecture), clxxxvi. Prairie Wolves, supposed, in Epping Forest, cciv. Pre-Glacial Man, J, E. Green- hill on, xcv. Pre-historic remains in Essex, pro- posed catalogue of, lxv. Preservation of Native Plants, clxxviii. Presidential Address, 1885, cxxxiv; 1886, clxxxiii. Primula elatior at Peverel's Wood, lxxxvi. 'Proceedings,' delay in publication of (foot-note), lxxxi. Protective value of colour, etc., in Caterpillars (Lecture), clxxxvi. Psychidae, larvae of, from Grays, lviii. Purlieus of Epping Forest, cvii. Pycnogons from Harwich, exhib- ited, lxxviii. Railway, High Beach, opposition to, i, v, viii. Ray, John, domestic life of, at Black Notley, clix : as an Ento- mologist, clxv ; Monument of, clxiii, clxix ; some unpublished letters of, clxii. Ray's House, " Dewlands," visit to, clxx. Rayleigh, Lord, receives Club at Terling Place, clxxii; Address from, clxxiii. Beddington, J., account of Nether Hall, xxxix, xli. Red Hills, cxiii. Red-necked and Great Grebes in Wanstead Park, ii. Repell Ditches at Saffron Walden, lxxxv. Reports of Committee on Lough- ton Camp, lvii ; for Exploration of Deneholes, cxxxi. Richmond Athenaeum, Joint Meet- ing with, xxvi. "Ring Hill" at Saffron Walden, lxxxv. River-Drift Man in S.W. Essex (Paper read), cxxv. Roberts, N. F., exhibits Butcher's Broom in fruit, lxxviii; on schemes affecting Epping Forest, xviii ; exhibits fossil Echinus from Woodford, lxi; Flint Im- plements from Dartmoor, xi; on Sale of Forest Land at Wood- ford, cxxxvii; on Human Skele- ton at Tilbury, lxxix. Roe Deer turned out in Forest, lxxviii. Roman Pottery from Ferry over Thames, cxxxiv; Road from Colchester to Mersea, cxii. Rota arvensis, sub. sp. systyla, in Epping Forest, xlv. Rosling, E., Albino Bank-vole, clxxvii; and Miller Christy, on Transmission of Form in Hetero-styled Plants, cxxvii. Round, J. Horace, conducts at Field Meeting at Colchester, cix. Rowe, Rev. A. W., on Crystalline Rocks from Drift at Felstead (Paper read), cxl ; exhibits col- lection of Palaeolithic Imple- ments from Suffolk and from Boulder-clay at Felstead, xciv. Roydon, visit to, xxxix, xliii. Royle, Thomas, elected Treasurer, cc ; Mr. and Mrs., receive Club at the " Cedars," cxlviii, clxxxvii. Rubi of Epping Forest exhibited, cxciv. Rules, Alterations in, cxxxviii, cxcvii, cxcix, cc. Saffron Walden, visit to, lxxxiii ; Ancient Cemetery at, lxxxvii, oo ; British Oppidum, lxxxvi ; Castle, some account of,lxxxviii P