ccxviii Index. Church visited, xci ; " Repell Ditches " at, lxxxv ; Shakespeare at (note), xcii. St. Botolph's Priory, visit to, cxviii. Salting Mounds of Essex, radii ; (Paper read), cxxxiii. Sands from Chelmsford, clxxxi. Scotophilus serotinus in Essex, iv. Seeds, a hint on vitality of, cxxix. Selwin-Ibbetson, Sir H., Depu- tation to, v. Serotine Bat in Essex, iv. Shakespeare at Saffron Walden (foot-note), xcii. Shenstone, J. C, Botany of Mer- sea district, cxv-vi ; Flora of Col- chester district (Papers read), c, cxli; Essex Herbarium, ex- hibits, cxix. Sibree, Rev. J., Rice Pits in Madagascar, cxxxi. Slow-worm, large, at Southend, c. Smith, Ecroyd, on Ancient Ceme- tery at Saffron Walden, lxxxvi. Smith, J. C, Blue Tits eating Al- berts, clxxxi. Smith, W. G. S., on Forest Courts, ciii. Smith, W. H., River-Drift Men in S.W. Essex (Paper read), cxxv. Smith, Worthington G., Agari- cus craspodins at Colchester, clxxvii; Botanical Mare's nests (Paper read), clxxvi ; on "Gin- ger-beer " plant, xliv ; " Lower orders of Fungi," xlviii ; Lepores Palaeolithici (Peeper read), xcvii; Palaeolithic Human skull from Bury St. Edmunds. lxxx; Palaeoliths from Madras Presidency, cxxv ; Palaeolith from Mucking, xix ; Politics of the Potato Fungus (Paper read), cxxi ; River Drift Men in Essex, cxxvi; Skeleton at Tilbury, on geologi- cal position of, lxxviii. Snake, Common, large specimen from Althorne, c. Snell, E. A., elected Librarian, cc. Sparrow Hawks from Epping Forest, ci. Sphinx Moths, spotted aberrations of larvae of, lxxxiii. Spiller, John, Photographs of Club's visit to Colchester, cxxix ; photographs of Deneholes, xxi. Spilosoma walkeri exhibited, clvi. Spores of Fungi, lxix. Spotted Flycatcher's nest, curious situation of, lxxv. Spurrell, F. C. J., on Deneholes and their relation to other earth works, lviii ; evidences of glacial action on the Thames, and in S. Essex (Paper read), ix; on skeleton at Tilbury, lxxix. Spurrell, Rev. F., account of Faulkbourne Church and Hall, clxx. " Starberry Hill," Audley End, lxxxv. Stear, Dr. H., account of Saffron Walden (Paper read), lxxxvi. Stevens. Dr. J., drawing of largest Palaeolith found in Thames Valley, xcv. Stopes. H., on Red Hills, cxiii-iv ; on Salting Mounds in Essex, cxxxiii. Stowe's Annals quoted, cxii. Stroud at Mersea, cxi. "Tea Fund," lxxvi; cxxxiv ; clxxxiii ; cxcix. Teal on Connaught Water, Epping Forest, lxxviii. Terling Place, visit to. clxxii. Theydon Bois, visit to Forest, near,. clxxxvii. Thomas, C. reads paper on Clath- rulina in Essex, ci. Thyme, supposed new gall on. cxxv. Tilbury Docks, " Geological position of human skeleton found at" (Paper read), lxxviii; visit to, xcviii. Transmission of Form in Hetero- styled Plants, cxxvii. Travis, J., records rare Essex birds, xii. Topley, W., Alteration in East and S.E. coast, and Essex Coast- line (Lecture), cxcvii. Tufted Sea-ducksat Roydon,cxxxvi. Unwin, Fisher, exhibits collec- tion of Essex Views, x, Uphall Farm, visit to, cxlviii. Upton House, clxxxix. Utricularia neglecta from Theydon Garnon, and as a British plant, ii, cviii : XT. vulgaris in Hill Hall Wood, ii.