Index. ccxix
Varley Phial Microscope exhibited,
Vaughan, Howaed, reads paper
on Lepidoptera of Leigh, cxcii.
Vegetable tissues, new medium for
mounting, lxxix.
Vespa norvegica and V. sylvestris
in one nest, cxxxiii.
Vice-President nominated, lxxvii;
cxxxiv; Permanent, cxxxix.
Vitality of Seeds, cxxix.
Walker, Henry, Animals with
more than two eyes (Lecture),
cxcv ; on Boulder-clay near the
Theydons and Lambourne, xxix,
Wallace, A. R., on Darwinian
Theory (Lecture), cxcii; on
Denehole exploration, lx.
Wallflower, aberrant flowers of,
Walsingham, Lord, collection of
larvae, of Lepidoptera, exhibited,
clxxxvi; probable cause of
melanic variation in Lepidop-
tera, cxxxix.
Wanstead, Neolithic axe at, xcv.
Ware, visit to, xxiv.
" Warlies," Waltham Abbey, visit
to, xiv.
Warner, Compton, records Otters,
Little Bittern, &c., from Lea
River, lxxxvi.
Waxwing in Essex, xii.
Wells, on Essex (Papers read),
lxxxiii, clxxxv.
West Ham District, visit to,
clxxxvii ; Industrial Exhibition,
visit to, cxci.
Wharton, Dr., Fungi as Poisons,
liii ; Uses of Fungi, clxxvi.
Whitaker, W., Notes on Essex
Wells (Papers read), lxxxiii,
White, W., aberrant forms of
Fuchsia blossoms, lxi; aberra-
tions of larvae of Sphinx Moths
(Paper read), lxxxii; Biston hir-
taria, abnormal specimen of, xi;
Earthquake, Report on, cxxxvii ;
Petallody in Anemone, clv ; Pro-
tective resemblances in larvae,
clv ; Psychidae, larvae, of, from
Grays, exhibited, lviii: varie-
ties of Lepidoptera, exhibited,
Widbury Hill, Ware, Earthworks
on, xxv.
Wilson, Rev. W. Linton, and
Mrs. Wilson, receive the Club
at " Oakhurst," cliii.
Winter, E. W., exhibits Neolithic
axe from Wanstead, xcv.
Wire, A. P., elected Librarian, cc;
new medium for mounting
vegetable tissues, lxxix.
Witham, visit to, clvii; sketch of,
and Spa. clviii.
"Wolves," supposed, in Epping
Forest, cciv.
Wood, Searles V., Sand Pit at
High Ongar (Paper read), iii:
presents annotated copy of
memoir on Newer Pliocene
Formation, iv.
Woodford, sale of forest land at,
Woodford Bridge, nest of Vespa
norvegica from, cxxxiii.
Woodward, Dr. H, Hon. Mem-
ber, i ; exposition of Wingless
Birds at British Museum.
Xanthia gilvago from Epping,
Zoological Gardens, visit to. clii.