REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1883. [Read at the Fourth Annual General Meeting, held at Buckhurst Hill, January 26th, 1884.] In presenting the 4th Annual Report the Council has great pleasure in congratulating the members on the continued prosperity of the Club; the work on the whole having been successfully and pleasantly carried on during the past year. Boll of Members.—The number of ordinary members elected into the Club in 1883 was 52, and two Honorary Members were chosen; 23 members have resigned or have been removed from the list, and we have to regret the loss of three members by death. Two members have compounded for their annual subscriptions. The census of the Club at the end of the years 1882 and 1883 respectively, was therefore as follows:— 1882. 1883. Patron .................... 1 ...... 1 Hon. members.............. 10 ...... 12 Life members.............. 13 ...... 15 Ordinary members.......... 330 ...... 354 354 382 It is very desirable that the Club should possess a permanent and paying constituency of at least 400 members in order that the publications may keep pace with the activity of the Society. It is also important that the number of members living in the county should be increased, and the friends of the Club are desired to do all in their power to increase that class of members. Some doubt seeming to exist as to the law of the Club with regard to Resignations, the Council thinks it right to point out that the rule reprinted below is a very necessary one, and must be enforced in the interests of the officers. The list of members must be fully made up before the 1st of January in each year to avoid confusion, and to enable the Council to form a trustworthy estimate of the income for the ensuing year. The Rule is as follows:— " XI.—Members wishing to resign at the termination of any year are requested to inform the Secretary, in writing, of their intention to do so, on or before the first day of November of that year, and members not so resigning shall be considered liable for the subscription for the year next ensuing."