vi Appendix No. 1. " On Bushes, and their Origin.'' David Houston, F.L.S. " Recent Additions to the Fungus-Flora of Epping Forest, with a List of Algae Collected within the Forest District." Dr. M. C. Cooke, M.A., F.L.S., &c. " Report of the Committee appointed to Investigate the Earthwork known as the Loughton Camp, Epping Forest." Drawn up by the Hon. Secretary. " On the 'Lower Orders' of Fungi." Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S., &c. " On Fungi ae Poisons." Dr. Wharton, M.A., F.Z.S., &c. " Deneholes, and their Relation to other Earthworks." F. C. J. Spurrell, F.G.S. " Miscellaneous Notes on Deneholes, 1883." T. V. Holmes, F.G.S.,M.A.I. " The Use of the Hygro-Spectroscope in Meteorology." F. W. Cory, M.R.C.S., F.R.Met.Soc. " On the Occurrence of the Beech-Marten in Epping Forest." James English. " On a Proposed Catalogue of the Pre-Historic Remains in Essex." R, Meldola, F.C.S., M.A.I. " Fungi and their Spores." Arthur Lister, F.L.S. " On a Specimen of a Whale, Rudolphi's Rorqual (Balaenoptera borealis), lately taken in the River Crouch, Essex." Prof. Flower, F.R.S., &c. " Some Additional Notes on Essex Water-Sheds." Prof. Boulger, F.L.S. " Natural History Notes." R. M. Christy. Field Meetings.—Six field meetings were held during the summer, all of which were very successfully carried out and well attended. On May 19th the members were invited by Sir Fowell Buxton to visit him at Warlies Park, and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent. On June 2Sth the Club was most hospitably entertained, in company with the Hertford- shire Natural History Society, at Easneye Park, Ware, by Mr. and Mrs. Thoma3 Fowell Buxton. On June 15th and 16th a two days' meeting was held at Grays for the purpose of exploring the Deneholes in Hang- man's Wood, the Geologists' Association joining in the excursion, and bearing part of the expenses. On July 14th an informal meeting was held at Boxhill, in conjunction with the members of the Richmond Athenaeum. The Fourth Annual Cryptogamic Meeting took place on September 29th, and was very numerously attended, despite the most unfavourable weather. An exhibition of specimens of Fungi, Mosses, Algae, Flowering Plants, with microscopes, and botanical drawings and diagrams, was held in the evening at the Roebuck Inn, Buckhurst Hill. The success of this experimental exhibition emboldens the Council to continue and extend the same, and on Friday and Saturday, October 3rd and 4th, 1884, an exhibition of Fungi and other botanical objects will be held at the "Roebuck" rooms, under the superintendence of many of our best known botanical members, in connection with a two days' " Fungus Foray " in Epping Forest. The Council has great pleasure in gratefully acknowledging aid in various ways in conducting the field meetings, given by the following gentlemen :—Professor Boulger, Mr. J. Britten, Mr. Alfred Fowell Buxton, Mr. W. Cole, Dr. Cooke, Lieutenant Croft, Mr. J. English, Mr. H. Groves, Mr. E. M. Holmes, Mr. T. V. Holmes, Mr. D. Houston, Mr. J. W. Kemsley, Mr. R. Meldola, Mr. J. Parish, Rev. A. Pyne, Mr,