Appendix No. 1. vii Kedington, Mr. W. W. Beeves, Mr. Worthington Smith, Dr. Spurrell, Rev. R. P. Walter, Mr. H. Walker, Dr. Wharton, and Mr. W. Winter. The Council also again has pleasure in thanking the Editors of the ' Essex Times,' ' Chelmsford Chronicle,' ' Essex Weekly News,' and other local newspapers, for kind aid afforded in giving wide publicity to the operations of the Club. Loughton Camp.—During the summer some surveying work, &c, was done to complete the report on this earthwork by the Secretaries and Mr. H. A. Cole, Mr. D'Oyley being unwell. The report was read at the Southport Meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science by Mr. Meldola, some large diagrams being drawn for the occasion by Mr. H. A. Cole. The Council of the British Association has very kindly allowed the Club to use the two lithographic plates, at the cost of printing and paper, for the ' Transactions.' The report will appear in full in part 8 of the 'Transactions,' and also in the forthcoming volume of the ' Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science.' The surplus of the "Camp Fund" the Council proposes to add to the " Denehole Exploration Fund," now being formed. Denehole Explorations.—A Committee has been formed to conduct these explorations, as advised in the last Annual Report, and will com- mence active work early in the ensuing summer. About £60 is now in hand or promised, but a very much larger sum will be required. A circular will shortly be issued giving names of the members of the Committee, proposed plan of action, list of donations, &c, and soliciting subscriptions from members of the Club and the scientific public. Mean- while, contributions to the Fund will gladly be received by the Treasurer, or by any of the Committee. Pre-historic Remains in Essex.—A Committee has been formed to catalogue and survey the relics of pre-historic occupation still existing in the County (Camps, Entrenchments, Tumuli, Palaeolithic and Neolithic stations, &c.), in accordance with the suggestions contained in Mr. Meldola's paper, read before the British Association at Southport, and at a recent meeting of the Club, and lately published in 'Nature.' A detailed statement of the information required by the Committee will in due course be largely circulated among the residents in the county. Epping Forest Railway and the Protection of Wild Animals and Plants.—The vigorous and successful opposition offered to the railway proposed to be made from Chingford to High Beach, in which the Club took a very active and responsible part, has been so fully commented upon in the pamphlet recently issued by the Club that no further remarks are called for in this place. Copies of the pamphlet have been widely circulated, and may be obtained from the Librarian. The Council trusts that Sir Fowell Buxton's scheme for protecting wild animals and birds within the Forest districts will be largely acted upon. The Club will always be glad to give any aid in furthering such views, which so strongly appeal to the instincts of all true lovers of Nature. It is a