xii Appendix No. 1. Raynor, G. H. The Macro-Lepidoptera of the District around Maldon. (Tram. Essex Field Club, 1883.) Taylor, J. W. Life History of Helix arbustorum. (Journ. Conchol., 1881.) [Wallace, A. B.] Mimicry and other Protective Resemblances among Animals. (Westminster Rev., 1867.) White, W. Is Vanessa polychloros the prototype of V. urticae ? (Trans. Essex Field Club, 1881.) Pamphlets. Vol. vi. Miscellaneous. 8vo. Contents : Allman, G. J. Address [to the British Association]. (Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1879.) Brady, Sir A. Address [to the Sanitary Congress]. Exeter, 1880. Cole, W. Preliminary Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the Loughton Camp. (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1882.) --------- and Others. Papers and Memorials on the Protection of wild Animals and Plants, and the present condition and future management of Epping Forest. (Trans. Essex Field Club, 1883.) Corder, H. Stone and Bronze Implements from the neighbourhood of Chelmsford. (Ib., 1881.) English, J. The First Night's " Sugaring " in England. (Ib.) Harting, J. E. On the Formation of a Local Museum. (Ib.) Holmes, T. V. On Deneholes. (Ib., 1883.) ---------and Others. Report of the Committee for the Exploration of the Subsidences on Blackheath. Blackheath, 1881. Lubbock, Sir J. Address [to the British Association]. (Rep. Brit. Assoc., 1881.) ---------. On a Stone Implement of Palaeolithic Type found in Algeria. (Journ. Anthrop. Inst., 1881.) Meldola, B. Darwin and Modern Evolution. (Trans. Essex Field Club, 1883.) ---------. Inaugural Address to the Essex Field Club. (Ib., 1880.) ---------. Presidential Address to the Essex Field Club. (Ib., 1882.) Pitt-Rivers, A. Report on the Excavation of Ambresbury Banks. (Ib., 1881.) Smith, W. G. Primaeval Man in the Valley of the Sea. (Ib., 1883.) Sparvel-Bayly, J. A. Hadleigh Castle, Essex. (Trans. Essex Archaeol. Soc.) ---------. Roman Billericay. (Ib.) Spurrell, F. C. J. Palaeolithic Implements found in West Kent. (Archaeologia Cantiana, 1883.) [Walker, H.] Excursion to Riddlesdown. (Proc. W. London Sci. Assoc, 1876.)