Appendix No. 1. xix 1881. GOULD, George W., The Lodge, Chigwell. 1883. Greatheed, Francis, The Rectory, Corringham. 1881. Green, R. R., Clifton-cottage, Cleveland-road, Snaresbrook. 1883. Greening, Frederick, 21, Elim-terrace, Selkirk-road, Lower- Tooting, S.W. * Grut, Ferdinand, F.L.S. (Hon. Librarian to the Entomological Society), 9, Newcomen-street, Southwark, S.E. 1883. Grut (Mrs.), 9, Newcomen-street, Southwark, S.E. 1882. Gurney, J. H., (Jun.), F.Z.S., Northrepps-hall, Norwich. 1883. Hallett (Miss), L. J., 9, Knighton-villas, Buckhurst-hill. * Halsey, William, The Homestead, Prospect-road, Woodford. * Harcourt, George C, 34, Wellesley-road, Wanstead. 1881. Harold, Frederick R., F.S.S., M.A.I., 114, Beaconsfield-road, Tottenham, N. * Harpeb, Augustus, Lomsenheim, Cleveland-road, Wanstead. 1881. Harrison, Francis G., Crown-hotel, Loughton. * Haut, F. G., Canes, near Ha2-low. 1882. Harwood, W. H., Colchester. 1882. Hasell, Edward S., 5, Clifton-villas, Spring-grove, Isleworth, Middlesex. 1883. Hayward, Charles Forster, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. (Hon. Member Essex Archaeological Soc, &c), 20, Montague-street, Russell- square, W.C * Heath, Francis G., Brunswick-lodge, South Hackney, N.E. 1880. Heathfield, Ernest, care of Messrs. Heathfield, Eyre & Co., Leadenhall-street, E.G. * Henry, Robert, Nazing-park, Waltham Cross. * Hodge (Miss), Catherine L., Magdala-house, Buckhurst-hill. * Hodge (Miss), Mary, Magdala-house, Buckhurst-hill. * Hodge, Samuel W., Magdala-house, Buckhurst-hill. 1882. †HOLMES, Thomas Vincent, F.G.S., M.A.I., 28, Crooms-hill, Greenwich-park, S.E. * Hooper, Basil M., 2, Albert-villas, Whitehall-road, Woodford. * Hooper, Horace B., Hillside, Lambourne, Romford. 1882. Hope, G. P., Havering Chase Cross, Romford. * Hore, J. P., 40, Bloomsbury-street, Bedford-square, W.C. 1882. Houston, David, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. (Lecturer on Botany, Birkbeck Institution), 179, Myall-road, Herne-hill, S.E. * Howard, David, F.C.S. (President of the Walthamstow Nat. Hist. Soc), Rectory-manor, Walthamstow. * Howard, William C, North-side, Tottenham, N. * Howard, W. Dillworth, City Mills, Stratford. 1881. †HUGHES, Rev. Albert, M.A., The Rectory, Woodford. 1883. Hundley, Francis Philip, The Park, Loughton. * Hutchinson, John, Fairlight, Palmerston-road, Buckhurst-hill. 1881. Hutchinson, Richard, Woodford Wells,