Appendix. v Showing a net gain of 42 members as the result of the year's work. There still remains a very considerable number of members who are in arrear with their subscriptions. Every effort has been made by the officers during the past year to collect these outstanding moneys, but with small success. The Council, however, thinks it best to allow some little time to elapse before taking vigorous measures, but inasmuch as such members are only a cause of weakness to the Club, a constant worry to the Executive, and the occasion of considerable expense in postages and printing, it is proposed very shortly (as an act of justice to more faithful members) to give them the alternative of being struck out as defaulters or of fulfilling their obligations to the Society. Finance.—We have a considerable balance in hand; the assets are valuable and we have but few liabilities. The change in place of meeting was the cause of considerable expense. More money has been expended over the library than in previous years; and our extended range of field meetings, entailing cost of travelling, additional circulars, postages, and many other expenses, has increased our outgoings; but bearing in mind the large amount of work done, the financial statement, except in the one particular fully alluded to above, may be considered satisfactory. Transactions.—Owing to the delays in the payment of subscriptions, only one part of the ' Transactions' could be issued during the year. It concluded Vol. iii., and contained, amongst other papers, the Report of the Committee on the Explorations at the Loughton Camp, illustrated by two folding plates, for the use of which the Club is indebted to the General Committee of the British Association. Mr. B. M. Christy contributed £3 towards the illustration of his paper on the genus Primula; Mr. Worthington Smith, with his accustomed generosity, gave the three woodcuts contained in the Camp Report; and Mr. N. F. Robarts provided the three diagrams illustrating his paper on the " Oakhill " Quarry, Epping Forest. Part 9 is now in hand, and will be published at an early date. Towards its due illustration the Council has to thank Mrs. Gibson for a kind donation of £5 5s.; Mr. Charles Thomas for a donation of £4 3s. (being cost of a lithographed plate illustrating his note on Clathrulina elegans); Mr. T. V. Holmes £1 1s. towards the illustration of his papers on Deneholes ; and Prof. Boulger, Mr. George Burney, Mr. W. D. Howard, and Mr. B. Meldola, have again doubled their subscriptions in aid of the expenses of publication. The delay in the issue of the ' Transactions' is a very serious matter as affecting the welfare and scientific status of the Club ; but the Council has