vi Appendix. above sufficiently alluded to its cause, and cannot accept responsibility in this connection; the matter is one entirely in the hands of the members, or, rather, of a certain section of them. Library and Museum.—The additions to the Library, both as regards character and number, have been about equal to the average of previous years, consisting chiefly of the publications of kindred societies, scien- tific journals, and miscellaneous books. Special mention should be made of Mr. W. G. S. Smith's valuable donation of four volumes of the Eolis of the Court of Attachments of the Forest of Waltham, a most appro- priate and welcome gift. The Council much regrets the inconvenience of keeping the Library in a different building from that in which the meetings are held, but this arrangement is professedly only a temporary one, and it is hoped that the difficulty will be overcome before long. Considerable progress has been made in binding up a large accumulation of 'Transactions,' periodicals and pamphlets, many of which are of permanent value. When this work is completed, and the whole of the volumes belonging to the Club are suitably displayed, it will be found that the Library is not unworthy of the Society, when it is remembered that it has been built up almost exclusively by donations and exchange. Scientific Meetings and Memoirs Contributed. — Nine ordinary meetings have been held, which certainly have shown no falling off in the scientific activity of the Society. The change in place of meeting, although in some respects inconvenient until the museum and library are suitably housed, has worked well, and will still further improve our meetings as its advantages become more widely known. The Council has much pleasure in acknowledging the very kind way in which the wants of the Club have been met by the trustees of the Loughton Public Hall. The following is a list of the memoirs and addresses read or delivered to the Club during the year 1884, excluding short notes on exhibits and verbal communications:— " Memoirs of George Stacey Gibson, F.L.S., and J. Eliot Howard, F.S.S." Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S., &c. " The Influence of Man upon the Flora of Essex." Prof. Boulger. " On the Geological position of the Human Skeleton lately found at the Tilbury Docks, Essex." T. V. Holmes, F.G.S. " Note on the Tilbury Skeleton." Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. " Note on a new medium for Mounting Moist Vegetable Tissues for the Microscope." A. P. Wire. " Notes on a Collection of Marine Algae from Harwich, gathered by Mr. G. P. Hope." E. M. Holmes, F.L.S., &c. " Notes on some extreme examples of the Spotted Aberrations of the Larva of British Sphinx Maths." William White, M.E.S. " On Essex Wells." William Whitaker, B.A., F.G.S. " Sketch of the History of Saffron Walden, Essex " (Address). Henry Stear, M.R.C.S. " Some account of the Old Castle and its Possessors, at Saffron Walden." G. N. Maynard. " Notes on Saffron (Crocus sativus, Linn.) and its connection with the name of Saffron Walden." Joseph Clarke, F.S.A.