Appendix. xiii Simms, William. The Achromatic Telescope, and its various Mountings. 8vo. London, 1852. [From Mr. Charles Thomas.] Smith, R. A. A Centenary of Science in Manchester. 8vo. London, 1883. [From the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.] Swinburne, Robert. An Account of the Ancient Borough Town of Colchester, Small 8vo. Colchester, n.d. [From Mr. W. Cole.] Walford, Edward. Tourist's Guide to Essex. Small 8vo. London, 1882. [Purchased.] Walker, Rev. Dr. F. A. Nine Hundred Miles up the Nile. November 3rd—February 9th, 1884. 8vo. London, 1884. [From the Author.] Watson, J. Y. Sketches of Ancient Colchester. 8vo. Colchester, 1877. [Purchased.] ---------. The Tendring Hundred in the Olden Time. 3rd edition. Colchester, 1884. [Purchased.] Wiltshire Magazine. Vols, xx., xxi, Devizes, 1882, 1884. [From the Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society.] Year Book of the Scientific and Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland. First Annual Issue. 8vo. London, 1884. [Purchased.] Zoologist. 3rd series. Vol. viii. 8vo. London, 1884. [From Mr. S. L. Barnes.] Pamphlets. Vol. vii. Geology. 8vo. Contents:— Bennett, F. J. The Government Geological Survey, and its Rela- tions to Agriculture. (Bury and Norwich Post, 1870.) Boulger, G. S. Notes on Some of the Optical Characters of Minerals. (Proc. Geol. Assoc.) --------. On the Geological and other Causes that affect the Distribution of the British Flora. (Ib.) Brown, J. R. Some Notes on Flint. (Middlesex & County Times, 1882.) Charlesworth, E. Primeval Man and the Suffolk Crag. (Pall Mall Gaz., 1872.) ---------. Remarks on Mammalian Life in certain Geological Periods. Crosskey, Dr. H. W. Eleventh Report of the Committee for Recording Erratic Blocks. (Rep. Brit. Assoc, 1883.) Holmes, T. V. Notes on Coal Measures, Mammalian Remains, Bos primigenius, and Shawk Beck. (Trans. Gumb. Assoc.) —------. Notes on the Geology of Cumberland North of the Lake District. (Proc. Geol. Assoc.) ---------. On Eskers or Karnes. (Geol, Mag., 1883.) ---------. On Some Curious Excavations in the Isle of Portland. (Proc. Geol Assoc.) ---------. On the Distinctive Colours of the Carboniferous and Per- mean Rocks of North Cumberland. (Proc. Gumb. Assoc.) ---------. The New Sections in Westcombe Park, Greenwich. (Proc. Geol. Assoc.) —-------. The Permian, Triassic, and Liassic Rocks of the Carlisle Basin. (Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, 1881.) Morris, Prof. J. The Chalk: its Distribution and Sub-divisions. (Proc. Geol. Assoc.) Prestwich, J. The Red Crag of Essex and Suffolk. (Proc. Geol. Soc.) Whitaker, William. A List of Works relating to the Geology of Cumberland and Westmoreland. (Trans. Gumb. Assoc.) --------. List of Works on the Geology and Palaeontology of Oxford- shire, of Berkshire, and of Buckinghamshire. (Rep. Brit. Ass., 1852.) Woodward, Dr. H. Synopsis of the Genera and Species of Carboni- ferous Limestone Trilobites. (Geol. Mag., 1883.) ---------. The Ancient Fauna of Essex. (Trans. Essex Field Club, 1883.)