Appendix. v by a voluntary officer, the council voted the sum of £25 at the com- mencement of the year as an honorarium to the Secretaryin compensation for loss of time devoted to the Club's affairs, and for the obtaining clerical assistance when necessary. Transactions.—In making preparations for the issue of the ' Trans- actions ' for the past year the editor came to the. conclusion that it would be well to separate the 'Transactions' properly so called from the record of 'Proceedings' at Ordinary and Field Meetings, and this suggestion was approved by the Council. Accordingly in June last Part 1, vol. iv. of the 'Transactions' was issued, consisting of 148 pages, with one plate and thirteen other illustrations. With this was also published Part 1, vol. iv. of the 'Journal of Proceedings,' consisting of eighty closely printed pages with three illustrations. In addition to the contributions towards the due illustration of these parts acknowledged in the last Annual. Report, the council has to thank Mr. W. White, Professor Mel- dola, Professor Boulger and Mr. Charles Browne, for special donations. It is much to be regretted that the funds would not permit of the pub- lication of another part of the 'Transactions' in 1885—more especially in view of the valuable papers which are still in the editor's hands. It is hoped that during the coming year further progress may be made towards overtaking the arrears of the matter now awaiting publication. The members are to be congratulated on the publication of the 'Report of the East Anglian Earthquake of April 22nd, 1884,' the materials for which were collected with so much energy and success by Professor Meldola and Mr. W, White, with the assistance of many observers—both members of the Club and others,—whose labours are acknowledged in the work itself. As soon as the issue of this report was resolved upon, a question arose as to the best mode of publication. After consideration of the whole circumstances, the Council decided to issue the report as a distinct publication, as the first volume of the 'Essex Field Club Special Memoirs,' which should be sold to the mem- bers at a specially reduced price. In order that the responsibility of the publication of the book should not. bear too heavily upon the general funds of the Club, the following gentlemen guaranteed the sums placed against their names in order to cover the cost of printing the report:— In addition Professor Meldola, Mr. Symons and Mr. W. White have given very material assistance in aid of publication, more full acknowledg.