viii Appendix. Chigwell, by the Rev. Linton Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, who again accorded to the Club the hospitality they had before exercised. On July 25th a most successful and enjoyable whole day meeting was spent in the neighbourhood of Witham, Faulkbourne, Black Notley and Terling, and the Club was entertained by Lord and Lady Rayleigh at Terling Place. At the kind invitation of Prof. Flower, the Club was specially received at the Zoological Gardens on May 16th, when the Professor delivered an address, and conducted the party over the collec- tions. The sixth Annual Cryptogamic Meeting was one of the largest and most successful ever held by the Club, and the Council received the aid and co-operation of a very large number of eminent botanists and scien- tific men. Denehole Explorations.—The investigations at Hangman's Wood were not resumed during the last season owing to the inability of Mr. Holmes and the Hon. Secretary to devote the large amount of time (three weeks or a month) to that purpose. The Committee were unable to obtain any volunteers to aid in the work, and the investigation was very reluctantly postponed until the next season, when it is hoped that some arrangement may be made as to carrying on the explorations. REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1886. [Read at the Seventh, Animal General Meeting, held at Loughton, January 89th, 1887.] The Presidential Address to-night being mainly occupied with the consideration of the past history and future work of the Club, it is unnecessary to give here more than a brief record of the events of the year 1886. Owing to the fact that a considerable number of members are still in arrears with their subscriptions, and consequently have rendered them- selves liable to removal from the Club by the Council, the number of effective members on our roll cannot yet be stated with exactness. The Council will deal with the members in arrear in a summary manner very shortly, and the officers will be enabled to give the precise numbers at a future meeting. Fifty or sixty members will possibly be expelled from the Club for non-payment, of subscriptions for two years and upwards, but as most of these have always been in arrear, and in some cases have never paid anything, their expulsion will not affect the prosperity of the Club- indeed, non-paying members can only be a source of weakness, anxiety, and expense. It should be the endeavour of every well-wisher of the