Appendix. xi headed a special subscription, and in response to a letter and statement by the Secretary, the following sums were subscribed :—? In addition to the above, Mr. Chas. Browne, Mr. J. C. Shenstone, Prof. Meldola, and Prof. Boulger have followed their usual custom in doubling their ordinary subscriptions to the Club, in aid of the publications. The arrangements with respect to the future publications of the Club have been so fully detailed by the Secretary in the circulars and state- ments recently issued, and are referred to by Mr. Holmes in his address. that nothing further need be stated in this place. The Council came to the decision to adopt the Secretary's proposals with respect to a monthly publication after very mature consideration, and they are persuaded that the change will be for the benefit of the Club, and the pleasure and instruction of the members. During the seven years' work the Club has published, including ' Transactions,' ' Proceedings,' Reports, &c., &c., 1569 closely printed pages of matter, giving an average of 224 pages per annum from the foundation of the Society. The financial results of the publication of the ' Report on the East Anglian Earthquake,' by no means accord with its importance as an excellent example of the kind of work which should be accomplished by local scientific societies. The book has been highly praised by the general press, and by scientific men best qualified to judge. The Council is glad to know that their action in issuing the book has not only met with general approval, but has added considerably to the scientific status of the Club. The accounts for printing, binding, advertising, &c, showed, however, a very considerable deficit, and the Council felt compelled to call upon the guarantors for a moiety of their promised subscriptions. This call was most cheerfully responded to; and the following sums have been paid into the Treasurer's hands :—