xii Appendix. The sums thus received, together with the sales, when full accounts are to hand, will, it is submitted, justify the Council in writiug off the balance. There is still a very considerable number of copies in hand and future sales being added to the receipts, will, it is hoped, materially diminish the amount of loss. The thanks of the Club are due to the Councils of the Royal Meteorological Society and the Geologists' Asso- ciation for distributing a large number of circulars announcing the pub- lication of the Report, and to Mr. Symons for inserting a full-page advertisement in his ' Monthly Meteorological Magazine.' A report on the Library will be prepared as soon as the Librarians have catalogued and classified the recent additions. Owing to the grow- ing importance of the Library and the increased work which will be occasioned by the monthly publication of the ' Essex Naturalist,' the Council recommend that three Librarians should be elected. The financial statement is much more satisfactory than last year. There is a good balance in hand after allowing for all liabilities, which will probably enable the Council to overtake arrears of publications dur- ing the year 1887. Mr. Johnstone has decided to retire from the Treasurership, in consequence of want of time to attend the meetings, and otherwise supervise the important duties of a Treasurer. The best thanks of the Society are due to Mr. Johnstone for his care of the Club's funds during his years of office, and to Captain Lee, who has fulfilled the post of Collector since Mr. Johnstone became Treasurer. The Council are unanimous in recommending Mr. Thomas Royle, F.C.S., for the vacant office.