Contents. PAGE Recent Additions to Fungus Flora of Epping Forest. By Dr. M. C. Cooke . . . ....... xlv. Essex Fresh-water Algae. By Dr. Cooke.....xlvii. The " Lower Orders" of Fungi. By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S..........xlviii. Fungi as Poisons. By HENRY T. Wharton. M.A., M.R.C.S., F.Z.S............ liii. Deneholes and their relation to other Earthworks. By F. G. J. Spurrell, F.G.S.........lviii. On the Exploration of the Deneholes. Letter from A. R. Wallace, F.L S.........lx. Notes on Aberrant Forms of Fuchsia Blossoms. By W. White (with three illustrations).......lxi. Note on the occurrence of the Marten in Epping Forest. By J. L. English.........lxiv. Proposed Local Museum for Essex . . . . . . lxvi. Capture of a Badger (Melastaxus) in Essex. By Miller Christy lxviii. Fungi and their Spores. By A. Lister, J.P., F.L.S. . . lxix. Notes on the Occurrence of the Bed-throated Diver (Colymbus septentrionalis. L.) and the Black-throated Diver (C. arcticus, L.) at Chelmsford in the winter of 1876-77. By Miller Christy.........lxxiv. Curious Situation for a Spotted Flycatcher's Nest. By MILLER Christy..........lxxv. Note on the Tilbury Skeleton. By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S...........lxxviii. Note on New Medium for Mounting Moist Vegetable Tissues for the Microscope. By A. P. Wire.....lxxix. Some Account of the Castle of Saffron Walden and its Pos- sessors. By G. N. Maynard......lxxxviii. The Essex Earthquake, April 22nd, 1884 . . . . . xcii. Palaeolithic Implements from the Boulder Clay near Felstead. By Rev. A. W. Bowe, F.G.S.......xcvi. Ongar Park Woods in the Past, from an Entomological Point of View. By J. L. On the Transmission of Form in Hetero-styled Plants. By E. Rosling, F.R.M.S.. and Miller Christy. . . cxxvii. A Hint on the Vitality of Seeds. By Joseph Clarke, F.S.A. cxxix. Presidential Address, 1886. Prof. Boulger .... cxxxiv. Green Street House : East Ham Church, Barking; Eastbury House, etc. By Walter Crouch, F.Z.S.....cxlii. The Domestic Life of John Ray at Black Notley. By Prof. G. S. Boulger, F.L.S., F.G.S.......clix. John Ray as an Entomologist. By E. A. Fitch, F.L.S. . . clxv. Preservation of Native Plants.......clxxviii. Presidential Address, 1886. By T. V. Holmes, F.G.S. . . clxxxiii. Supplements. I.—Notes on the Ancient Cemetery at Saffron Walden. By T. V. Holmes, II.—Modern Legends of supposed "Wolves" in Epping Forest. cciv. Index to Vol. IV. ' Proceedings' . . . . . ccx.-ccxix. Appendices I.-IV., Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Annual Reports of Council for 1883-1886 . ... Erratum.—The thermometric readings on p. xxi manifestly include some error which escaped notice at the time—lines 13-24 should there-