Preface. The Old Series is made up as follows, the "Parts" being indicated to assist the binder; and the Appendices, which should be bound up with each volume are noted : — Vol. I. With 'Proceedings.' [Title—'Transactions' of the Epping Forest and County of Essex Naturalists' Field Club.] Vol. II. With 'Proceedings.' [Same Title.] Vol. III. With 'Proceedings.' [Title—'Trans.' of the Essex Field Club.] Vol. IV. 'Transactions' only. Vol. IV. 'Proceedings' only. [Title—'Proceedings' of the Essex Field Club.] President's Inaugural Address. Part 1 (September, 1880). ., 2 (December, 1880). „ 3 (February, 1881). Title and Index, First List of Mem- bers, and Rules. Part 4 (June, 1881). „ 5 (October, 1881). „ 6 (July, 1882). Title and Index, Appendix, and Re- vised Rules. Part 7 (June, 1883). With two Appendices. ,, 8 (April, 1884). Part 1, Vol. IV. ('Trans.') (June, 1885). „ 2 ., „ (Dec., 1886). Title and Contents. Part 1, Vol. IV. ('Proc.') (June, 1885). „ 2 „ „ (Pub. March, 1892). Appendices I., II., III., and IV. Title, Contents, Index, etc. The separate pagination for the 'Transactions' and 'Proceedings' will prevent any confusion in referring to the publications ; e.g., "vol. iii., Proc. E.F.C." would indicate the 'Proceedings' bound up with Vol. III. of 'Transactions'; while "vol. iv., Proc." would refer to the present volume, and so on. William Cole, March, 1882. Hon. See. and Editor.