PRE - HISTORY IN ESSEX, AS RECORDED IN THE JOURNAL OF THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. I.—Introduction. PROFESSOR HUXLEY once said that if every book in the world were destroyed, with the exception of the Philo- sophical Transactions of the Royal Society, the main structure of physical science would rest unshaken. In the journal of our little Club we cannot aspire to such great achievements. There are whole tracts of science which have been practically untouched by us. But the subject of pre-history is one whose progress depends essentially upon the record and collation of local details ; and in this department I think we may be justly proud of what we have done. At least, that is the conclusion at which I have arrived, from the amount of labour that the preparation of this review of our work has entailed. This does not mean that if I were beginning again I should shrink from attempting it. On the contrary, the abstraction of certain of the main items of information in the various papers, and the classification of these under subject headings, has been to me quite a liberal education in pre-history. When I first thought of taking this subject for my Address, I intended tp deal only with the more important papers in our journal. But on second thoughts, it appeared to me that it would be more useful to disinter minor notices also ; for many of these contain important information and valuable suggestions. In the classification, I found it impracticable to follow any