HOLOCENE. 15 Broomfield, near Chelmsford (F. Challis, E.N., i., 1887, p. 16). Worked flints in valley gravels. 102 Kelvedon [13]. Colchester (H. Laver, E.N., ii., 1888, pp. 187-188). Palaeolithic scraper from the surface overlying drift gravel in Lexden Park. 103 Stour Estuary [51]. Frinton-on-Sea (S. H. Warren, E.N., xvi., 1909, p. 46). Palaeoliths from gravels capping the cliffs at about 70 feet O.D. (High Terrace). 104 Clacton-on-Sea (E.N., x., 1898, p. 406 ; xiv., 1906, p. 164.) Palaeolithic flakes from the Elephas antiquus bed found by the Rev. J. W. Kenworthy and others. 105 Clacton-on-Sea (S. H. Warren, E.N., xvii., 1912, p. 15). Palaeolithic flakes and rude implements, also the point of a wooden spear (?) from the Elephas antiquus bed. 106 Lea Valley (S. H. Warren. E.N., xv., 1907, p. 48). Brief note [74]. 107 Stoke Newington (E.N.. xvii., 1912. p. 109). Visit to part of the Greenhill collection in the Hackney Borough library [74]. 108 Caddington, near Dunstable (W. G. Smith, E.N., viii., 1894, p. 39). Brief note of the "Palaeolithic floor" in brick- earth. 109 Palaeolithic Skull, Bury St. Edmunds (W. G. Smith, Proc., iv., 1884, p. lxxx. ; T. V. Holmes. E.N., i., 1887, p. 45 ; W. G. Smith, E.N.. i., 1887, p. 136-137, fig.). 110 Eoanthropus dawsoni, demonstration by Dr. A. Smith Wood- ward (E.N., xvii., 1913, p. 214). 111 VI. Holocene—Stratigraphy and Fauna (including Prehistoric Relic-beds, etc.). a.—Estuarine and Marine sites. Tilbury, geological position of skeleton (T. V. Holmes, Trans., iv., 1886, pp. 135-148 ; discussion, Proc., iv., 1884, p. lxxxviii.). Shows Owen's error in referring the human skeleton to the Palaeolithic period. The evidence of the stratigraphy is unequivocal, and points to a Holocene date [260]. 112 Tilbury, age of skeleton (F. C. J. Spurrell, E.N., iii., 1889, p. 90), quotation. Thinks the remains may be inter- mediate between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic. 113