obtained permission to excavate. And finally (E.N., i.,
1887, p. 63) a preliminary list is stated to have been drawn
up for publication, but there the matter appears to have
ended. 336
Conference on Registration and Preservation of Ancient Remains
(E.N., iii., 1889, p. 91). 337
The same subject is frequently referred to in our Journal,
particularly in the reports of our delegates to the British
Association (Corresponding Societies Committee). See also
the debate opened by C. H. Read (E.N., xii., 1902, p. 252 ;
and likewise xiii., 1903, p. 123 ; p. 183). 338
Museum Work. The important Museum work of the Club, first
at Buckhurst Hill, afterwards at Chelmsford, and finally
at West Ham; also in the Queen Elizabeth's Hunting
Lodge, at Chingford, is constantly referred to in our
Journal, but I have not attempted to extract material
for a report upon it [340]. 339
Meldola, R., "The Coming of Age of the Essex Field Club"
(E.N., xii., 1901, pp. 73-116). This address gives an
admirable account of the papers published by the Club up
to that date, classified under the various branches of Science,
and also includes a review of Museum work, etc. 340
Whitaker, W., "Notes on Essex Geology at the Latter End of
the Nineteenth Century and After" (E.N., xvii., 1913, pp.
265-284). This valuable address gives all the more important
papers on Essex Geology (omitting minor notices) published
between 1890 and 1913, arranged in the order of date.
Separate lists are given of the Excursions in Essex of the
Geologists' Association, and of the papers published in the
Essex Naturalist. 341
XXVII.—Maps, Etc.
River-Basins of Essex (G. S. Boulger, T. & P., ii., 1881, pp.
79-87, map ; Trans., iv., 1886, pp. 131-134). 342
Norden's Map of Essex. 1594, facsimile reproduction, with expla-
natory notes (E.N., i., 1887, pp. 41-45, map) [352]. 343
Notes on Drift Maps (T. V. Holmes, E.N., ii., 1888, pp. 21-33). 344
(Many maps dealing with special subjects, such as the
distribution of Red Hills and the like, are published in
connection with the respective papers.)