26 THE CLAY TOBACCO-PIPE IN BRITAIN (d) Royal Arms or Arms of City Companies: HENRY BROWNE MADE SUCH PIPES ABOUT 1680 IN LONDON: ALSO PIPES COMMEMORATING PUBLIC EVENTS SOMETIMES WERE SO DECORATED IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY (CHECK BOWL SHAPE). (e) Regimental Arms, either alone or combined with Civic Arms: USUALLY MID-NINETEENTH CENTURY, OFTEN IRISH (see fig. 8 (c)). (f) A design characteristic of Friendly Societies, e.g. 'a heart-in-hand': NINETEENTH CENTURY, MOSTLY BEFORE 1880. (g) Bowl and stem studded with small conical spurs: 1850-1900 (see fig. 8 (a)). (h) Glazed or of 'extravagant form' (see page 18)—either NOT clay, or special types made mainly for show: EARLY AND MID- NINETEENTH CENTURY. (i) Reeded bowl, with about a dozen raised ribs gracefully following the bowl-shape from lip to base, sometimes with a head of wheat interposed front and back: MOSTLY OF NINETEENTH CENTURY 'CHURCHWARDENS', BUT THE REEDED DESIGN IS KNOWN AT THE END OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY (CHECK BOWL SHAPE AND SEE ILLUSTRATION, fig. 8 (d). Note : Simple decoration, such as fleurs-de-lys or rosettes, appeared on London pipes in the early 17th century, and patterns of raised dots, on Ipswich pipes of 1630-165016. But the earliest fully- decorated clay pipes (as distinct from stoneware) may be mid- seventeenth century onwards; in the earliest of these the decora- tion (often a mask) is on the back of the bowl, the later (18th and 19th Century) masked bowls had the mask usually on the front of the bowl. Some decorated pipes of late 17th and early 18th century, found in this country, were of French origin. Decoration re-appeared at the end of the 18th century simultaneously with thinner and less robust bowls, and these later specimens are often fragmentary in consequence. 10. Is any initial or group of letters discernible on sides of foot, front of bowl, base of bowl, underside of foot, or on the stem? If no initials, there may be a 'trade mark' in one or more of these places. (a) NO initials or marks: ANY PERIOD, BUT MORE PROBABLY 18th, 19th, OR 20th CENTURIES, OR LESS LIKELY, BEFORE 1650. REMEMBER THAT LESS THAN TEN PER CENT OF PIPES HAD INITIALS OR TRADEMARKS. (b) Initials on front of bowl: Read them as they face you: ON THE LEFT IS USUALLY THE INITIAL OF THE SURNAME, ON THE RIGHT, THE CHRISTIAN INITIAL. (c) Initials on sides of foot or spur: Read them, holding the pipe with the bowl away from you as in smoking: ON THE LEFT OF THE FOOT IS THE CHRISTIAN INITIAL, ON THE RIGHT IS THE SURNAME INITIAL.