28 THE CLAY TOBACCO-PIPE IN BRITAIN LIST OF MAKER'S NAMES AND INITIALS This list includes many of the principal makers who are likely to have marked their pipes, but there were many others who were either established too late to have adopted the practice of marking initials on pipes, or too minor and ephemeral to be considered here, or whose names have not yet been discovered by research into old records. An attempt has been made to include every known maker in Essex and East Anglia. In the nineteenth century there were pipemakers in nearly every small town, for example, there were four pipemakers in Ipswich, four in Colchester, and two in Beccles, Suffolk, at the mid-century, but few among these initialled their pipes: by this time, it was more often the publican's, or maker's, name which appeared in full on the stem. The Broseley makers were so numerous (nearly 100 are known) and their family relationships so complicated, that a selection only can be given in so brief an account as this: all principal Broseley pipe-making families have been included, however. The previous warning must be repeated that initialled pipes could be of Dutch or other foreign origin—their shape and other considerations should be used as checks. A list of Dutch markings is available in the Bragg Collection in the British Museum, and many of the initials are unfortunately identical with those of makers in this country. In reading early initials, it is well to remember that in the 17th and early 18th centuries, the initial 'J' was of the same form and indistinguishable from 'I', and 'U' was indistinguishable from 'V. Finally, do not suppose that CR and a crown, or IR and a crown necessarily indicate that the pipe so marked was made for the Stuart Court: makers using these initials, sometimes crowned, are known in the seventeenth century, and the. use of the crown was widespread in loyal designs. Early Pipemakers (prior to 1620) W.B. (Will. BATCHELOR, London, 1580-1620) I.R. (John ROGERS, London, 1620) B.B. (Benj. BERRIMAN, Bristol, c 1615—very rare) 1620-1640 J.C. and T.C. (CLARKE of Broseley) 1640-1660 E.C. (Stepney): N.H.: S.W. (London): I.W.: E.E. (Chester): AL. (Chester) R.L. and AL. (LEGG of Broseley) W.C.: I.F.: F.H.: I.H.: R.N. (all five of Bristol) R.H. (1658, Blythburgh) 1660-1680 I.B. and CR. (Newcastle): I.C. (Hull) I.C. and J.D. (York): T.C. (Gloucester) T.L.: T.R.: E.L. (all three of Bristol)