INDEX. 73 Rochford, 54, 59. Roding, River, 34. Roman Antiquities from Dovercourt, 61. Romford, 47, 49. Roneo Co.'s Factory, at Hornchurch, 47. Ryan, Dr. J. M., of Colchester, 70. Rutty, Dr. J., his Works, 8, 10, 17, 38. St. Botolph's Priory, Colchester, 69. Sands, Waters from, 63. Savill, Mr. Philip, of Chigwell, 43. Scarborough Spa, 1. Shenstone, Mr. J. C, 68. Sibthorpe, Mr. Joseph, of Romford, 46. Sloane, Sir Hans, 38. Sly, Mrs., of Witham, 24. Snaresbrook, 11, 12, 51. Southcott, Sir E., of Witham, 19, 23. Southend, 53, 54, 57. Spa Place, Witham, 25. Spiller, Mr. J., 68. Springfield, Well at, 4. ---------Description of, 50. Stanford Rivers, 14. Stapleford Abbots, Spring at, 4, 48, 66. ---------Description of, 48. ---------Analysis of, 50. Stapleford Tawney, 14. Suttons, near Romford, 49. Sworder, Mr. C. B., of Epping, 14. Table Waters, 64. Tasker, Mr. G. E., of Ilford, 51, 52. Taverner, Dr. James, Work of, 7, 10, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25. Taylor, Silas, of Harwich, 60. Thames Gravel, 43, 46, 48, 53. --------- River, 34, 41. Thanet Sands, 42, 43, 63, 64, 70. Thresh, Dr. J. C, of Chelmsford, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67. --------- Miss May, 5. Tilbury, Church Field at, 41. --------- Cooper's Shaw at, 42. Tilbury Hall, Well at, 4, 10, 40, 66, 67, 68, 70. --------- Description of, 34. --------- Analysis of, 39, 41. Tilbury, Rector's Well at, 40, 66. ---------Analysis of, 42. Tilkey, in Coggeshall, 69. Tower, Mr. C. J. H., of South Weald, 15. Trinder, Rev. Dr. W. Martin, of Rom- ford, 4, 9, 10, 13, 17, 24, 27, 39, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. "Tubulus marinus," 31. Tunbridge Weils, Waters of, 1, 12. Turner, Mr. E. E., 68, 69. Twinstead, Spring at, 4. --------- Description of, 51. Tyler's Common, Upminster, 16. --------- Hall, Upminster, 16. Upminster, Well at, 4, 12, 13, 31, 66. --------- Description of, 16. ---------Analysis of, 19. Wanstead, Spring at, 4, 12, --------- Description of, 11. Warren, Mr. H., of Dovercourt Spa, 62. Water and Water Supplies, by Dr. J. C. Thresh, 65. Weald Hall Park, 14. Weald, South, Well at, 4, 19, 66. ---------Description of, 12. --------- Analysis of, 16. Wethersfield, Spring at, 4. ---------Description of, 45. Whitaker, Mr. W., F.R.S., 68. Whittaker, Dr. Tobias, of Norwich, 2. Wiesbaden, Waters of, 1. Wilson, Mr. F. L., of Upminster, 17. Wilson, Mr. J., 68. Witham Place, 25. Witham, Well at, 4, 10, 19, 68. Wittie, Dr. Robert, of York, 1. Wokyndon Septemfontium, 10. Woodford Wells, Well at, 4, 32, 66, 68, 70. --------- Description of, 31. --------- Analysis of, 34. Woodham Ferrers, Spring at, 4. ---------Description of, 30. Woodwards, Messrs., of Bemfleet, 53, 54. Worrin, Mr. Hastings, of Little Dun- mow, 28