12 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Works (London and Norwich, 1835, 8vo, vol. iv., p. 325). Charles John and James Paget published A Sketch of the Natural History of Yarmouth (Yarmouth, 1834, 8vo) ; the Rev. Richard Lubbock included in his widely-known Observations on the Fauna of Norfolk (Norwich, 1845, 8vo) a list of the fresh-water fish of the rivers and broads ; and Dr. John Lowe has published (Trans. Norf. and Norwich Nat. Society, 1874, p. 21) a " List of Norfolk Fish," which included 143 species. Messrs. W. Eagle Clarke and W. D. Roebuck's list of sea and river, fish of Yorkshire, given in their Handbook of the Vertebrate Fauna of Yorkshire (London, 1881), comprises 148 species. The only existing lists of the sea-fish of Essex are those given by Dale in his History of Harwich (2nd Ed., 1732), and by W. H. Lindsey (A Season at Harwich, 1851), who mainly copies Dale. In the present catalogue, I propose, as stated, to insert 113 species. This, in comparison with the larger county, seems a fair proportion, especially when it is remembered that Yorkshire has, as well as a muddy and sandy shore, a considerable stretch of rocky coast. Moreover, Messrs. Clarke and Roebuck have included in their total some species considered by Dr. Day to be varieties only, as well as all those taken on the Doggerbank. In the present volume, only those taken actually upon the coast, or within or on those