20 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. It is much to be regretted that all these forms of in-shore fishing, whether for Shrimps, or Eels, or other fish, destroy an enormous quantity of the fry of valuable species, such as Turbot, Brill, Soles, and Plaice. It remains an open question whether the catching of Eels, Shrimps, etc., by small-meshed nets does not indirectly destroy fish of much greater value, which would produce a far better return to the fishermen if allowed to come to maturity. In my opinion, even if the Fishery Board (by determining the minimum size of the mesh to be allowed in the district) destroyed the Whitebait fishery altogether, they would inflict no injury upon, but rather deserve the thanks of, the community of Essex fishermen. RIVER FISHERIES. The River Fisheries of Essex are of small value. The poisoning of the Thames by sewage has destroyed our only Salmon-river. Some individuals, as will be seen later on, occasionally attempt to pass up it; but, so far as I know, they never reach that small portion of the Thames in Essex which is, or rather should be, fresh water, but which, instead, only resembles the vilest and most unsavoury sewage. The want of records of species for Essex rivers has caused much extra labour in compiling the following lists of the fish inhabiting each. No pains