22 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. I have been careful not to insert in the lists below any doubtful species, unless personal identification has satisfied me that it is an inhabitant of the river under which it is named, and, therefore, a member of the Essex Fish Fauna. Of the small fresh-water section of England's noblest river—the Thames—which we can claim as belonging to this county, the list must necessarily be brief, owing to the impure condition of the water. From this list, scanty as it is, I fear, in truth, that some even now may be absent. Whenever that golden time arrives (as it must some day), when the Thames waters are once more pure and undefiled, the lordly salmon will again be seen passing up to its spawning grounds, while numerous other species will people the clear waters of the river, as in the days when, for conveni- ence, fishing-tackle makers were fain to establish themselves hard by it in Crooked Lane, London. Fish found in the River Thames. 1. Flounder, Pleuronectes flesus. 2. Salmon, Salmo salar. 3. Sea-trout, Salmo trutta. 4. Smelt, Osmerus eperlanus. 5. Allis Shad, Clupea alosa. 6. Twait Shad, Clupea finta. 7. Eel, Anguilla vulgaris. 8. Sturgeon, Acipenser sturio. 9. Lamprey, Petromyzon fluviatilis.. 10. Sea-lamprey, Petromyzon marinus.