INTRODUCTION. 25 any list of the fishes of this river. I have seen no species, and it probably does not harbour any that are not found in the larger rivers of the county. The next feeder of the Thames, the Rom, must be passed over with the like remarks. Of the Crouch, but a small extent of its course is fresh water, and the fishing in this portion is unim- portant. It contains no species to add to our Fish Fauna. The Chelmer and Blackwater are more important water-courses. The following lists have been kindly prepared for me by Mr. Thomas Taylor, M.R.C.S., of Bocking. They give us no additions to the list of Essex Fish. Fishes of the River Chelmer : 1. Perch, Perca fluviatilis. 2. Miller's Thumb, Cottus gobio. 3. Stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus. 4. Ten-spined Stickleback, Gasterosteus pungitius. 5. Trout, Salmo fario. 6. Pike, Esox lucius. 7. Carp, Cyprinus carpio. 8. Gudgeon, Gobio fluviatilis. 9. Roach, Leuciscus rutilis. 10. Dace, Leuciscus vulgaris. 11. Minnow, Leuciscus phoxinus. 12. Tench, Tinca vulgaris. 13. Bream, Abramis brama. 14. Loach, Nemacheilus barbatula. 15. Eel, Anguilla vulgaris.