30 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. the Common Dolphin never visits our coasts ; nor is it at all unlikely that some of the Rorquals or other Whales, absent up to the present time from our records, may be cast ashore here at any time. It is in the Class Pisces that the greatest additions, however, will probably be made in the future to the Essex Fauna; for it is quite impossible that every species occurring on such an extensive coast as ours can have fallen under the notice of one or two observers ; and, in this department of science, as I have already remarked, more than these few observers are not forthcoming in the county. For convenience of comparison with those counties on the East Coast of England for which similar lists of Fauna have been published, the following table is appended. The last column shows the numbers for each of the corresponding classes, generally recognised as belonging to the British Fauna.