56 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. haunts of the Seal. That taken in the Roach was shot by Mr. J. G. Wiseman, of the Chase, Paglesham, on October 17th, 1887. It was said to have been forty years since a Seal had been previously shot in that river. One was shot in the Thames, off Leigh, in the beginning of November, 1894 (Essex County Chronicle, November 9th, 1894). About June 16th, 1894, a Seal was shot by Mr. William Linnett, off St. Peter's Chapel, Bradwell-juxta-Mare. Messrs. E. A. Fitch and Miller Christy, who saw the skin shortly after in the possession of Mr. James Spitty, of the Water- side, Bradwell, were informed that its length, when freshly killed, was 4ft. 6in., and its weight 8olbs. Genus CYSTOPHORA, Nilss. Cystophora cristata, Erxleben. Hooded Seal. Mr. W. B. Clark records (Zool, 1847, p. 1870) the capture of a specimen of this Seal, on June 29th, 1847, in the Orwell. He gives a full description of the animal, which was presented by Mr. Ransome to the Ipswich Museum, where it now remains. As the river Orwell empties itself into Harwich Harbour, I think we are entitled to place this Seal in our catalogue of the Essex Fauna, although its normal habitation is within the Arctic circle. Gentis Halichaerus, Nilsson. Halichoerus gryphus, Fabricius. Grey Seal. Mr. Southwell has drawn my attention to a record of the capture of this Seal in the Colne, printed in the Annals and Magazine of Nat. History for 1841. The incident had occurred a few years previous to that date. By permission of the Editor, I published in the Zoologist (1885, p. 108), a record of this capture, which was made, I