78 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Order CETACEA. Sub-order MYSTACOCETI. Family BALAENOPTERIDAE. Genus Balanoptera, Lacepede. Balaenoptera musculus, Linn. Rorqual. This whale, one of the largest animals extant, has several times occurred on our coast. One was taken in the Thames in May, 1859 (Bell's Brit. Quad., 2nd ed., p. 400). The capture of a "finner whale" at Grays was previously noted (Zoologist, 1849, p. 2620) ; and, judging from the dimen- sions given (viz., length 5 8 feet, girth 30 feet), it was probably an example of this species. Whatever question there may be as to identification in this case, there can be none with reference to that captured at Burnham on February 12th, 1891. This very interesting specimen is fully described by Mr. Walter Crouch (Essex Nat., vol. v., p. 124), who gives a table of twenty-two different measurements of its huge bulk. It was remarkable in showing a considerable surface about the jaws which was perfectly white. In other portions of the body also, the same colour was unusually developed. The article is further illustrated by Mr. Crouch with a drawing by himself of the Whale, which drawing is herein reproduced. Mr. E. A. Fitch records (Essex Nat., vol. v., p. 134) the appearance of another specimen in the Crouch a few weeks later, in April, 1891. From the description and estimated size, this was probably of the same species. Balaenoptera borealis (laticeps), F. E. Gray. Rudolphi's Rorqual. This Whale, which is rare on the British coasts, has been four times captured in Essex waters within the last few years.