CLASS MAMMALIA. 81 Family DELPHINIDAE. Genus ORCA, Gray, Orca gladiator, Lacepede. Grampus. John Hunter, the anatomist, records the capture of three specimens of this savage and destructive animal in the River Thames, towards the end of the last century (see Bell's Brit. Quad., p. 446). There is, in the British Museum, the skull of a specimen taken on the Essex coast, as recorded in the Zoo/ogist for 1873, p. 3429, and Dale (Hist. of Harwich, p. 412) mentions another specimen. Some years since, I saw two whales which had been killed in one of the creeks of the Blackwater. These, I have no doubt, were of this species, but no record was kept of them, and I do not recollect what became of their bones. Probably they went, as usual, for manure. Genus Grampus, Gray. Grampus griseus, G. Cuvier. Risso's Grampus. One of this species was found stranded in the Crouch about the 5th September, 1885, just above the spot where the specimen of Rudolphi's Rorqual, previously mentioned, was captured. It was, unfortunately, boiled down before I heard of it. I obtained, however, the remains of the skull and lower jaw. These are now deposited in the British Museum. Professor Flower, after having examined them, confirmed my identification (Zool., 1888, p. 260 ; Essex Nat., vol. ii., p. 72). This last-mentioned was only the fifth specimen then recorded on the British coasts, and the Crouch River appears to be the farthest point east and north at which this species of Grampus has ever been found. 7