82 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Genus PHOCAENA, Cuvier. Phocaena communis, F. Cuvier. Porpoise. Who does not know this merry and active creature? It occurs everywhere on our coasts, and is as frequently seen during stormy weather as at any other time, apparently revelling in the tempestuous waters, It is so common that I have not thought it necessary to give any records of capture. Genus Delphinus, Linn. Delphinus tursio, Fabricius. Bottle-nosed Dolphin. This animal, generally reputed rare, has occurred in Essex several times within my own observation. A female, ten feet long, was captured a few years since off Harwich. Another was shot in the Colne on September 5th, 1881 (Zool., 1881, p. 419), while two more were also taken in the same river during the following year (Zool., 1882, pp. 147, 351). In 1829, one was taken in the Thames below the Nore, and its skeleton is now in the museum of the Royal College of Surgeons (Bell's Brit. Quad., 2nd ed., p. 468). All these examples were females ; but, on May 29th, 1892, I had the opportunity of examining three specimens, two males and one female, which were captured in Mill Creek, Fingringhoe. The female, which was the finest of the three, and which measured ten feet three inches in length, was in full milk. A drawing by Major Bale, of Colchester, of the locality where these specimens were captured, faces this page. Beside those recorded above, I have seen several other specimen captured in various creeks on the coast. When at sea, also, I have frequently been close enough to recognise the species, as they passed or rested near.