86 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. mostly recovered. Some dogs develop quite a fondness for killing these reptiles, and manage it with perfect impunity. Mr. E. A. Fitch says (Essex Nat., vol. ii., p. 112), that on February 18th, 1887, while removing an old gate-post on Saltcote Farm, Goldhanger, to replace it, seventeen adders and two snakes were found underneath, having chosen, I suppose, cavities as hybernacula. A specimen of the dark form of the Adder (" var δ" of Jenyns, Man. Brit. Vert. Animals, p. 298) was recorded by Mr. W. Cole from Loughton, in 1883 (Journ. Proc. Essex Field Club, vol. iv., p. x.), and is now in the Epping Forest Museum. Class BATRACHIA. Order ECAUDATA. Family RANIDAE. Genus Rana, Linn. Rana temporaria, Linn. Common Frog. This well-known animal is extremely common, and generally distributed, especially in the neighbourhood of water. Rana esculenta, Linn. Edible Frog. This is not a native of our county ; but, as Mr. E. Newman points out (Zool., 1848, p. 2268) that it was naturalised by Mr. Doubleday at Epping, it may fairly, I think, be inserted in this list. I have not heard that it has established itself. Family BUFONIDAE. Genus Bufo, Laur. Bufo vulgaris, Laur. Common Toad. Like the frog, this is common and generally distributed.