CLASS BATRACHIA. 87 Order CAUDATA. Family SALAMANDRIDAE. Genus Molge, Merr. Molge cristata, Laur. Great Water Newt. Locally, "Water Swift." Common, and found throughout the county. Molge vulgaris, Linn. Common Newt or Eft. Locally, "Water Swift." This is well named the Common Newt, being abundant everywhere in suitable localities, and much more frequent than either of the other species. Molge palmata, Schmit. Palmated Newt. This is not rare. I have found it in several parts of Essex, and abundantly in a pond on Donyland Heath. I have probably observed its occurrence more than I should other- wise have done from the fact of the late Mr. Baker, of Bridg- water, the discoverer of the species as an inhabitant of Britain (vide Bell's British Reptiles, 1849, p. 155), having shown me, in 1846, some of the first examples he captured. Mr. G. A. Boulenger, says (Zool., 1886, p. 250) Molge palmata is quite abundant in a small pit near Chingford Station, in company with M. cristata and M. vulgaris. Previous papers by this gentleman had given the distribution of the Palmated Newt in Scotland and England, and it is gratifying to add Essex to the list of English counties where it is found. The record is noted by the editor of the Essex Naturalist (vol. i., p. 8), who quotes also from Mr. Boulenger, the distinguishing marks of the two allied species in their winter attire,