CLASS PISCES. 89 Family COTTIDAE, Linn. Genus Cottus, Linn. Cottus gobio, Linn. Miller's Thumb. This occurs plentifully in all our streams, preferring those with a gravelly bottom. Cottus groenlandicus, Cuv. Greenland Bull-head. (Locally, Bull-rout.) Mr. J. T. Carrington records (Zool., 1880, p. 147) the capture in white-bait nets of several specimens of this fish in the Thames. The identification was confirmed by Dr. Day. I have seen several examples which had been taken on our coast, and have caught them myself in all our estuaries, but have never seen any approaching the size they are said to attain in Greenland. Cottus scorpius, Linn. Father Lasher. This is a very common fish all round the coast. It takes a bait greedily. Cottus bubalis, Bloch. Bubalis. Also very common. Both this and the last-named species are frequently caught by persons fishing from piers, even in rather shallow water; and they are constantly captured in shrimp and other trawls. The local name for all three species is " Bull-rout." Cottus quadricornis, Linn. Four-horned Cottus. This is very rare, but Leonard Jenyns says (British Verte- brate Animals, Cambridge, 1835, p. 346) some specimens in the British Museum were found among sprats taken at the mouth of the Thames.