90 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Genus TRIGLA, Artedi. Trigla cuculus, Linn. Red Gurnard, or Elleck. I have often caught this fish in the estuary of the Black- water, opposite West Mersea. During those seasons in which it occurs there, it may frequently be captured by means of hooks and by trawling. Sometimes, according to my experience, it appears to be absent for several seasons. I do not consider it worth cooking. Trigla hirundo, Linn. Tub-fish. I have also taken this fish in the same estuary, but not so frequently. The pectoral fins of the species are very beauti- fully coloured. Trigla gurnardus Linn. Bloch's, or the Grey, Gurnard. I once, and once only, caught this fish in some numbers, during September, in the Blackwater, off Mersea. In the Appendix to Dale's History of Harwich (p. 431), under Grey Gurnard, is the following statement: " This I have seen caught in the sea before this [i.e., Harwich] harbour." Trigla lyra, Linn. Piper. Dale (loc. cit.) says : " This was caught near Harwich." Family CATAPHRACTI. Genus AGONUS, Bloch. Agonus cataphractus, Bloch. Pogge. This curious fish is very frequently taken in the shrimp nets, and small ones may be often seen amongst the boiled shrimps. Yarrell says {British Fishes, vol. i., p. 71): " On the eastern coast it is very plentiful."