92 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Trachinus vipera, Cuv. Viper Weever. This is also taken in the eel-trawls in the same situations as the last, and, like it, is very free in using its formidable spine. Family SCOMBRIDSE, Cuv. Genus Scomber, Artedi. Scomber scomber, Linn. Mackarel or Mackerel. Dale says (Hist. of Harwich, 1732, p. 429): "These in their season are here to be caught." Lindsey says (A Season at Harwich, London, 1851, pt. ii., p. 83) that, on June 30th, 1821, enormous numbers were caught on the Suffolk coasts. They were of the estimated value of £14,000, sixteen Lowestoft boats alone obtaining a haul of the value of £5,252. Day says (Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, London, 1880-1884, vol. i., p. 90) their habitat extends from the south coasts to those of Suffolk and Norfolk, therefore the Essex coast must be included. I have not myself seen any specimens taken off the coast of Essex. Genus ORCYNUS, Lutken. Oreynus thynnus, Lutken. Common Tunny. Jenyns (British Vertebrate Animals, p. 363) calls it rare ; and, quoting Donovan, he states that three were captured in the mouth of the Thames in 1801, and brought to Billings- gate market. Family STROMATEIDAE, Swainson. Genus Centrolophus, Lacepede. Centrolophus pompilus, Cuv. Black Fish. I had the pleasure of sending a specimen of this rare fish to Dr. Gunther for the British Museum. It was captured in the Colne, and was described by that eminent naturalist (Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. ix., 1882, pp. 204 and 338 ; also in Zool., 1882, pp. 75 and 152).