110 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Leuciscus vulgaris, Fleming. Dace. A fish found in the Chelmer, the Stour, and, according to Lieut. Croft (Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc, vol. ii., p. 13), in the Lea. Various catches are reported from Sewardstone (Land and Water, Sept. 24th, Nov. 5th, 1887, pp. 236 and 387). No doubt it occurs also in other streams. At times it gives good sport, as it takes the fly freely. Leuciscus erythrophthalmus, Fleming. Rudd. Considerable numbers of this fish occur in the Suffolk Stour. It is rare in the Colne, and common in the Lea (Trans. Herts. Nat. Hist. Soc, vol. ii., p. 13.) Mr. Pennell found (Day's Fishes of Great Britain, vol. ii., p. 184) a lemon or yellow-coloured variety of the Rudd in some ponds near Romford. Leuciscus coeruleus, Swainson. Blue Roach or Azurine. This fish is said to frequent an Essex stream, in support of which statement, I give the following quotation from Mr. Dorling's Historical Guide to Walton-on-the-Naze and Neigh- bourhood : Inland fishing can be obtained for Roach, etc., some three miles to the west of Walton, in a little and apparently-insignificant river. But here as many as forty pounds of roach have been caught to a single rod in a day, many of the fish competing for size, colour, and flavour with those of the Thames or Lea. But, to the naturalist, as well as the angler, this stream will not fail of inducing a visit, as it contains that remarkably scarce fish in the British Islands, the Azurine or Blue Roach {Leuciscus coeruleus). Its habits are said to be much like those of the Chub, and especially is it highly retentive of life. It in shape resembles the Rudd ; but, as regards colour, it is distinguished by having the upper part of the head, the back, and sides a slate blue, passing into silvery below, and both shining into a metallic lustre ; whereas, in the Rudd, the lower part of the body is of a golden yellow. Also the fins of the Azurine are white, not, as in the Rudd, of a fine vermilion colour. (Land and Water, September 2nd, 1876, p. 153 ; cf. also Field, July 14th, 1877, p. 49.)