CLASS PISCES. 117 Great Britain, vol. ii., p. 262) gives the estuary of the Thames as their habitat. Nerophis ophidion, Linn. Straight-nosed, or Snake, Pipe-fish. Buckland says (Fam. Hist, of Brit. Fishes, p. 197) this is often taken with Whitebait in the mouth of the Thames. Genus Hippocampus. Hippocampus antiquorum. Sea-horse Dr. Bree records (Field, December 1st, 1866, p. 420) the capture of two specimens of this rare fish at Brightlingsea. I have never seen it myself. Order V. PLECTOGNATI. Family GYMNODONTES. Genus Orthagoriscus, Bl., Schu. Orthagoriscus mola, BL, Schu. Short Sun-fish. Lindsey says (A Season at Harwich, p. 102) this occurs but occasionally on the Essex coast. Mr. E. A. Fitch informs me that he saw a very large one which had been taken in the River Crouch, at Battles Bridge, on October 21st, 1874. It was a female, measuring 4ft. 6in. in length, and was carried to Rayleigh, Rochford, and Chelmsford for exhibition {Land and Water, October 31st, 1874, p. 340). Some years later, Mr. Fitch rowed after another in the same river at Burnham. It moved very slowly, and allowed his boat to approach quite closely to its fin before it disappeared. Orthagoriscus truncatus, Fleming. Oblong Sun-fish. Lindsey says (A Season at Harwich, pt. ii., p. 101) the Oblong Sun-fish is rare.