118 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Sub-Class CHONDROPTERYGII. Order GANOIDEI. Sub-Order CHONDROSTEI. Family ACIPENSERIDAE. Genus Acipenser, Artedi. Acipenser sturio, Linn. Sturgeon. This is occasionally taken in all our rivers, but it is rare. When captured in the Thames, within the jurisdiction of the City of London, it is usually judged a proper present for the Lord Mayor's table. The capture of a Sturgeon, weighing 131 lbs., in the Blackwater River, near Beeleigh Mills, Maldon, is noted as a remarkable circumstance (Donovan, British Fishes, vol. iii., plate lxv.) Dr. Bree, referring to a small specimen found at Thorpe-le-Soken in 1864, raises the question whether the fish breeds here or migrates from the Danube (Field, Aug. 6th, 1864, p. 105). Mr. Fitch records the capture of two very large Sturgeons in the Blackwater on May 9th, 1886, and May 15th, 1890. The latter, which weighed 212 lbs. and measured seven feet eleven inches in length, was exhibited at Chelmsford, and eventually went to Sweeting's, in Cheapside (Essex Nat., vol. iv., p. 120). Others are mentioned (Zool., 1879, p. 383, and 1883, p. 341). About the middle of August, 1891, those engaged on the smack "Emmie," whilst dredging near Cliff Reach, Burnham, saw a fine Sturgeon disporting itself (Essex Comity Chronicle, August 21st, 1891).