CLASS PISCES. 119 Order ELASMOBRANCHII. Sub-Order PLAGIOSTOMATA. Family CARCHARIIDAE. Gants GALEUS, Cuvier. Galeus vulgaris, Fleming. Toper or Sweet William. This Shark is, in my experience, but rarely taken on our coast. One, caught by trawling in the Wallet, on October 23rd, 1886, was thought by its captor of sufficient rarity to make it worth exhibiting in the town of Colchester. The capture of another below Brightlingsea, in a shrimp-trawl, is noted (Essex Nat., vol. ii., p. 137). This was a female, measuring four feet nine inches long. Another, also a female, and five feet six inches in length, was captured near Clacton pier, on November 1st, 1888 (Essex Nat., vol. ii., p. 256). Family LAMNIDAE. Genus LAMNA, Cuvier. Lamna cornubica, Cuvier. Porbeagle or Beaumaris Shark. A fine specimen of this Shark was captured in a herring-net on the Essex coast in 1874. It measured eight feet two inches in length, and weighed from sixteen to twenty stone {Land and Water, Oct. 10th, 1874, p. 285). Another was taken off Harwich, by a lugger fishing for mackerel, and was exhibited at Colchester and Ipswich. It measured between nine and ten feet in length (Essex Nat., vol. vi., p. 154). Soon after, on December 8th, 1892, a third was secured by Mr. Henry Gentry, of St. Osyth, in the estuary of the Colne. This one, a male, was seven feet ten inches long (ibid., p. 207).