120 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. Family SPINACIDAE. Genus ACANTHIAS, Risso. Acanthias vulgaris, Risso. Picked Dog-fish. This voracious fish is always much too common, and in some years more especially so. It neither leaves a bait on the hook nor hardly an untouched fish in the fishermen's net. In handling it, great care should be taken to avoid its dangerous spines. Family RHINIDAE. Genus Rhina, Klein. Rhina squatina, Belon. Monk-fish. This frequents the entire Essex coast. It is usually caught in nets. Though occasionally eaten by fishermen, it is, according to my taste, far too rank in flavour for a more delicate palate. Family RAIIDAE. Genus Raia, Artedi. Raia batis, Linn. Skate. This creature is not rare, especially on the sandy parts of the coast. The young of this and other Skates are called " maids," and are much esteemed for the table. The full- sized fish is also very good when properly dressed. Raia alba, Lacepede. Sharp-nosed Skate. Lindsey says (A Season at Harwich, pt. ii., p. 98) the French, who are great consumers of Skate, this species being their favourite, would come to Harwich for this fish, if greater encouragement were given to the fishery. As it is, he remarks, they go to Plymouth, and purchase large quantities during the season of Lent.