CLASS PISCES. 121 Raia clavata, Linn. Thornback. This very common fish is found in more shallow water than any other species of Skate. It is usually esteemed the best of the family for the table. Family TRYGONIDAE. Genus TRYGON, Adanson. Trygon pastinaca Cuv. Sting Ray, or Fire Flaire. Locally, " Fierce Claw." I have occasionally taken this fish when trawling in the estuary of the Blackwater. It is more frequently taken in the channels between the sands, if I may judge from the number of needles, made from the spines upon its tail, that I have seen in the possession of fishermen, who use them for stringing flat-fish together through the gills, for the convenience of carriage. Dr. Day says (Zool., 1881, p. 386) they are by no means uncommon off the mouth of the Thames. Sub-Class CYCLOSTOMATA. Family PETROMYZONTIDAE. Genus Petromyzon, Artedi. Petromyzon marinus, Linn. Sea Lamprey. This is captured occasionally in the mouths of all our rivers. I once saw a very fine one that had been taken in the Colne, and I have recorded (Essex Nat., vol. v., p. 134) the capture of another in the same river. I never knew anyone here who tried to eat his capture, most inhabitants of Essex