APPENDIX. A LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL AUTHORITIES REFERRED TO IN THIS WORK. Chronicles, by Ralph Holinshed, London, 1587, folio. Annals, by John Stow, London, 1605, folio. Britannia Baconia, by Joshua Childrey, London, 1660, 8vo. History of the Worthies of England, by Thomas Fuller, London, 1662, folio. Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, by John Speed, London, 1676, folio. The History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt, by Silas Taylor, edited, with appendix, by Samuel Dale, 2nd edition, London, 1732, 4to. History of Waltham Abbey, by John Farmer, London, 1735, 8vo. Survey of the Country Fifteen Miles round London, by John Cary, London, 1796, 8vo. (MS. Note by Cary in Mr. B. G. Cole's copy). Rural Sports, by William Barker Daniel, two volumes, London, 1801-2, 4to; (2nd edition, three volumes, 1812, to which reference is made) ; Supplement, 1813. Natural History of British Fishes, by Edward Donovan, five volumes, London, 1802-8, 8vo. The Sportsman's Vocal Cabinet, edited by Charles Armiger, London, 1830, 8vo. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1833 to date. Sketch of the Natural History of Great Yarmouth, by Charles John and James Paget, Yarmouth, 1834, 8vo.