126 THE MAMMALS, REPTILES, AND FISHES OF ESSEX. A Manual of British Vertebrate Animals, by the Rev. Leonard Jenyns, M.A., Cambridge, 1835, 8vo. " An Account of Fishes found in Norfolk, and on the Coast," by Sir Thomas Browne. Works, London and Norwich, 1835, vol iv., p. 325. A History of British Fishes, by William Yarrell, two volumes, London, 1836-60, 8vo. Speculi Britannia pars: An Historical and Chorographical Description of the County of Essex, by John Norden (1594), edited by Sir H. Ellis for the Camden Society, London, 1840, 4to. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1841, etc., 8vo. The Zoologist, a popular Miscellany of Natural History, edited by Edward Newman, J. E. Harting, and W. L. Distant, London, 1843 to date. 8vo. Observations on the Fauna of Norfolk, by the Rev. Richard Lubbock, Norwich, 1845, 8vo. Autobiography of Sir John Bramston, edited by Lord Bray- brooke for the Camden Society, London, 1845, 4to. A History of British Reptiles, by Thomas Bell, 2nd edition, London, 1849, 8vo. A Season at Harwich, by W. H. Lindsey, London, 1851, 8vo. The Field, or Country Gentleman's Newspaper, 1853 to date. Land and Water, 1866 to date. History of Rochford Hundred, by Philip Benton, Rochford, 1867, etc., 8vo (incomplete). English Deer Parks, by Evelyn P. Shirley, London, 1867, 8vo. Familiar History of British Fishes, by Frank Buckland, London, 1873, 8vo. "A List of the Fishes known to occur in the Norfolk Waters," by John Lowe, M.D., in Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, Norwich, 1873-4, 8vo, p. 25. A History of British Quadrupeds, including the Cetacea, by Thomas Bell, F.R.S., 2nd edition, London, 1874, 8vo.