APPENDIX. 127 The Natural History of Selborne, by Gilbert White, edited by J. E. Harting, London, 1875, 8vo. Monograph of Asiatic Chiroptera, and a Catalogue of the Bats in the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by G. E. Dobson, London, 1876. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum, by G. E. Dobson, F.R.S., London, 1878, 8vo. The Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, by Francis Day, two volumes, London, 1880-84, 8vo. Transactions of the Essex Field Club, Buckhurst Hill, 1880- 1886, 8vo. Journal of the Proceedings of the Essex Field Club, Buckhurst Hill, 1880-86, 8vo. Seals and Whales of the British Seas, by Thomas Southwell, F.Z.S., Norwich, 1881. A Handbook of the Vertebrate Fauna of Yorkshire, by W. Eagle Clarke, and W. Denison Roebuck, London, 1881. The Essex Naturalist, Buckhurst Hill, 1887 to date. Articles on " Izaak Walton and the River Lea," and " The River Lea below Hertford," by Lieut. R. B. Croft, R.N., in Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club, Wat- ford, Hertford, vol. ii,, pp. 9, 243. The Forest of Essex : Its History, Laws, Administration, and Ancient Customs, and the Wild Deer which lived in it, by W. R. Fisher, London, 1887, 4to. The Birds of Essex : A Contribution to the Natural History of the County, by Miller Christy, London, etc., 1890, 8vo. A Descriptive List of the Deer Parks and Paddocks of England, by Joseph Whitaker, London, 1892, 8vo. The Essex Foxhounds, with Notes upon Hunting in Essex, by R. F. Ball and Tresham Gilbey, London, 1896, 4to. Epping Forest, by Edward North Buxton, Verderer, 4th edition, London, 1897, obl. 8vo.