LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. TO FACE PAGE Head of Fallow Buck from Epping Forest (Frontispiece) i. Badger Earth in Epping Forest ..... 43 Fox Earth in Epping Forest . . . 51 Haunts of Deer in Epping Thicks. . . . 71 Head of Fallow Buck from the Weald Hall Herd . 75 Common Rorqual, captured in the River Crouch, Feb. 12TH, 1891 ........ 78 View of Mill Creek, Fingringhoe, Essex ... 82 Estuary of the Blackwater, from West Mersea . . 90 ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT. PAGE Jackal from Ongar Woods ...... 54 Antlers of the last Red Deer from Hainault Forest 72 CORRIGENDA. Page 116: For Rophinesque read Rafinesque.